Time to realised revenue is consistently being obliterated.

In this post Covid and inflation pressurised world, buyer-sellers’ priorities and interactions have and will continue to change.  Gartner research predicts that non-digital interactions between buyers and sellers in the next 3 – 5 years will account for only 20% of the buyers’ journey.  

Consider this as well as the impact that 75% of B2B companies’ highest priority to close more deals and that 67% of deals are lost because they are not properly qualified before initiating the sales process.

 Time to ‘realised revenue’ is consistently being obliterated.

For sales people, time is their only resource. Finding ways to focus time and priority is critical.

4 x 5 Opportunity Qualification optimises time. Instead of winning 30 out of 100 deals, it focuses sales reps’ time so a better outcome may be the ability to win 30 out 50 deals because the other 50 were “qualified out”.

In less than 10 minutes 4 x 5 provides sales reps with a graphical overview of the deal which includes comparison against the competitors, a breakdown score against the deal’s 20 key components. The relationship map helps navigate the political landscape.

Above all prioritised action plans focus time and optimise customer interaction value.

Take a minute and see the art of the possible and try it on a live opportunity for free.
